DSIP 25 mg


CAS No: 62568-57-4

Purity: 98%

Molar Mass: 848.80

Chemical Formula: C35H48N10O15


DSIP 25 mg $195.00

Product Name: DSIP

CAS No: 62568-57-4

CAT No: P100116

Molar Mass: 848.80

Chemical Formula: C35H48N10O15

Synonyms: Emideltide

Purity: 98%

Storage: Store at -20°C



Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) is a naturally occurring peptide with significant effects on sleep regulation and stress response. It is found in various tissues, including the brain, where it modulates the sleep-wake cycle and promotes deep sleep stages. In pharmaceutical chemistry, DSIP is studied for its potential as a therapeutic agent for sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea. Additionally, DSIP exhibits anxiolytic and stress-reducing properties, making it a subject of interest in the development of treatments for anxiety disorders and stress-related conditions. Its mechanism of action involves interactions with neurotransmitter systems involved in sleep regulation and stress response, making DSIP a promising candidate for improving sleep quality and managing stress-related disorders.

Current Research:

Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) has emerged as a multifunctional regulatory peptide with diverse physiological roles. Initially isolated from the cerebral venous blood of rabbits in 1977, DSIP gained attention for its hypnogenic properties, promoting slow-wave sleep and sleep-related growth hormone release. Subsequent investigations revealed its involvement in endocrine regulation, including the reduction of corticotropin levels and the stimulation of luteinizing hormone and somatotropin secretion. Beyond its sleep-related functions, DSIP demonstrates stress-protective and adaptive activities, showing promise in conditions such as amphetamine-induced stereotypy and global brain ischemia. Notably, DSIP exhibits neuroprotective effects, improving locomotor functions and reducing neuronal damage in ischemic conditions. Additionally, DSIP shows potential in potentiating the action of anticonvulsant drugs, indicating a role in epilepsy treatment. Recent research focuses on DSIP’s therapeutic potential in stroke management. Studies demonstrate that intranasal DSIP treatment in rats post-stroke significantly improves motor coordination, suggesting its neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties. Mechanistically, DSIP may modulate neuronal activity, rescue neurons, and enhance mitochondrial respiratory activity while mitigating oxidative stress. Importantly, DSIP administration strategies, including timing and dosage, warrant further investigation for optimized stroke therapy. Overall, DSIP emerges as a promising candidate for stroke treatment, offering potential benefits in enhancing motor function recovery and mitigating neurological damage. Future research should explore optimal treatment regimens to harness DSIP’s full therapeutic potential in stroke management.


Graf, M. V., & Kastin, A. J. (1986). Delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP): an update. Peptides, 7(6), 1165-1187.

Tukhovskaya, E. A., Ismailova, A. M., Shaykhutdinova, E. R., Slashcheva, G. A., Prudchenko, I. A., Mikhaleva, I. I., … & Ivanov, V. T. (2021). Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide Recovers Motor Function in SD Rats after Focal Stroke. Molecules, 26(17), 5173.